Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with eMOTION@LARGE

I am sitting here with a band that I myself just came across. A band that can not decide if they want to be from the L.A. area of the desert in Phoenix I introduce to you eMOTION@LARGE. Despite their...

It Would Be Better if it Was on Fire

I love Indianapolis. I love the people. I love the night life. I love the food. I love the scenery. I just really like it here. I hate the winter and the music scene and that fact that no one ever...

Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Matt Pond PA

I am hanging out today with a group of guys that I have been listening to for as long as I can remember. Having more albums you can count and an incredible set of lyrics, vocals, and instruments to...

Wanna Get High?

So guess what? Smoking marijuana is bad. Well, according to the TV commercials I see all the time it makes your friends hate you, makes you get fat, and wreck your car into trees; it even makes you...