If you took Relient K and put them in a blender with Treaty of Paris, Yellowcard, and New Found Glory you might come close to the insane talent packed into the Boyd brother’s band 3Union. Warped Tour is where you would expect to find a group like this and it has even been a jumping off point for thousands of bands in it’s ten years of touring. Still, I am not sure talent of this magnitude needs a jumping off point with lyrics and vocals like this.
I have not heard this album in over a week and I am still singing the lyrics from track one to ten. Their debut album, “Say It Now,” grabs a hold of you, pulls you tight, and won’t let go. You will hit repeat time and time again and wonder why you have not heard of these guys before now. They sing songs that appear to come from experience and tragedy, but when you realize how young they are you might change your mind. The fact that they can come up with lyrics packed with heartbreak and heartache at this stage in their careers opens a lot of doors to their futures.
When first thinking about boy bands, or even family bands for that matter, your mind tends to go straight to the likes of N’Sync and The Jonas Brothers. Don’t get me wrong; I am a huge fan of songs like “Bye Bye Bye” and “Burning Up,” but when listening to 3Union you do not think about sitting around the dinner table and having story time, you think of jumping up and down screaming for one more song with your closest friends. These lyrics develop an emotion that can reach an epic level in three minutes. Their sound fits a mold that has been built by hundreds of bands in the past. That is not what makes this album and these boys scream out for MTV. Their ability to take a sound that has already made a name for itself in this competitive market and make it their own, to bring their own interpretation on this genre, and to make you demand for more once the album is over, is what will take these boys as far as they want to go.
This is the band’s debut album, and the only thing that keeps this album out of the perfect category is the number of songs. There are only ten tracks and if I have ever said that an album leaves me wanting more it is this one. Working with John David Webster, a genius in his own right, they have managed to put together a Best Buy sound with a Warped Tour mentality. I dare you to listen to this album and not tap your foot and wave your arms in the air. When it’s over try and not hit repeat. This album is not only packed with incredible music but is also an addiction that I can’t seem to quit.
I agree with Ricky! What a talented group of young men. Not only are they amazing musicians, but they are fine gentlemen as well. They truly care about other people and are incredibly mature for their age. The world needs to hear and meet this band!
We couldn’t agree more – this band ROCKS!
I wasn’t prepared for the top shelf sound from the Boyd clan. And then the depth of the lyrics kicks in, opens your ears, and tugs at your heart. I also love the restraint on the guitar solos, leaving room between the notes for the Spirit to BREATHE! Well done…
These guys are amazing in so many ways…great musicians, great role models, and all-around upstanding guys with their heads screwed on right. They are the real deal, and they rock!
Great review! Well said! And I couldn’t agree more. I got the CD a week ago and haven’t been able to take it out of my CD player yet!
They are an awesome Godly family and Godly children. May God lead them to be more fruitful in this teenage generation!!! keep up the awesome work guys! Be a light to your generation and tell others about Jesus…people need to hear…and Music is a great opportunity!!! Hope to see you soon guys!
This article is the talent of 3Union put into a nutshell
If you don’t have this CD, buy it. Every song is well written and executed. 3 Union definitely has an upscale rock sound, delivered with driving drums and awesome guitar. The vocals are intense and honest, layered with great harmonies at just the right places. These guys obviously know how to sing. I’d say that 3 Union knows how to draw you into each song and keep you coming back for more.
We’re lucky enough to live in Indianapolis (3Union’s hometown) so we get to hear them often…. they ROCK!!!!
I’ve known Julie since way before she was married then I Meant the whole family and what a outstanding family they are, all sing great and the boys espicially have been setting the young people on fire for Jesus and that is just great. These boys are fine boys and sing great along with Mom and Dad. What a family band and wittness for Jesus. God Bless them.
Although I have yet to hear the album, I have seen videos of this great band and I can’t wait to hear this. I know your review is right on the mark. These brothers work together so well and have musical talent that belies their years. I hope everyone will check them out and support them. And yes, they are really great as people too!
We got to hear them this summer a few times. They are great. We loved the concert and immediately after went and bought the CD. Lots of talent, energy, passion for Christ, and funny too! I too caught myself singing their songs long after I heard them. Can’t wait till they come out to California on Oct. 31 for a concert. We will be there!
Sahweetness! Good article – I still think we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg of the talent and heart of these guys!
These boys, or young men, deserve all the accolades they are getting.
I’ve seen these guys live. They’re great!!
They are truly an amazing band, and amazing guys. =P i haven’t yet heard the album but i did go to one of there one of there small concerts and there really amazing. they also have such a respect for girls its just so cool, there parents really did teach them well lol. Everything in this article is dead on right!!
Wow,gifted gentlemen . How wonderful & appropriate to honor the LORD with your talent because HE is the source of this wonderful talent . It’s very encouraging to see wonderful family like Boyd’s family focusing on what is really most important thing in the world which is saving souls . I love you guys . The LORD appreciates what your doing for his kingdom .
After hearing 3union live and on c.d. all I can say is WOW! This review couldn’t be more true. Wonderful music, musicianship, and a great testimony. As a youth pastor I am looking for music that will capture the hearts and minds of teens and draw them closer to God. 3union is one of those bands and Say It Now is one of those albums. It is still a favorite in our youth group! Thanks guy’s. Can’t wait for the next one!
This review is very special for very special people and especially for their Lord and Savior!
If anyone isn’t sure if there is a God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, 3union proves the truth of the Bible. We see the evidence of people having a personal relationship with Jesus and living out their faith.
I’ve listened to two of the songs on 3union web site and they are great. Keep up the good work and have fun!!
First off, taking music aside.. you have standing before you three of the most down to earth, fun-loving, kind, and caring people you’ll ever meet. Secondly, take the personalities out of the picture and focus solely on the musicianship taking place on the album and live. For their age.. heck.. for any age, there are some incredible moments musically on this album that belong in the CD player and on the radio of every car owner.
The most impressive and inspiring thing is when those components come together and you realize how unique and different (in the best way possible) these boys are. Bright futures would be an understatement. They have the knack, the drive, and the ability to take this music thing wherever they want. I am just lucky I get to say I saw em’ when.
Hey, my dad (Mike M. from Campus Crusade for Christ) told me about you guys and got me your CD, I really like it
sorry I didn’t get ta meet any you…hopefully sometime though…
Happy Thanksgiving
I love this CD! They seriously rock. I’m 18 and I love it; my sister loves it and my little brother loves it. I think i found my new favorite band. I BETTER HEAR THEM ON THE RADIO SOON!
Your words have touched my heart. Thanks for Your valuable aesthetic information. Your words have touched my heart.