Recovery & Restoration of the Titanic

Once an artifact leaves the water and is exposed to the air, it must undergo an immediate stabilization process to prevent further deterioration. When recovered from salt water, artifacts are cleaned...

Star Laden Grown Ups Laughably Disappoints

When will this movie end? I started watching this thinking it would be funny. It was funny, don’t get me wrong, but WAY too long. The film starts off slow, but manages to keep me entertained by...

Top Albums of 2010: Hip Hop & R&B

All right, Eminem is fresh out of rehab, and he is back with a new disc titled Recovery. Holy crap, this is hands down the single best album of the year. No question about it, this album kills...

Top Albums of 2010: Country

His new disc is just packed with incredible lyrics and very passionate, nearly epic tunes. One of my favorite songs is The Boys of Fall. It talks about high school football and while I never played...

Top Albums of 2010: Pop

These guys have released a few studio albums by now, and it’s true, they all sound the exact same. They are growing older, but not growing as musicians. But that’s okay, they don’t need to. Not yet...

Top Albums of 2010: Electronic Dance Music

Every year I sit down to compile a list of the best albums of the year. I usually try to write a list of the top five or ten albums, but usually end up getting over my head and even writing on albums...