Some of the World’s Most Expensive Stuff

I don’t have a lot of money. I have actually never had a lot of money. I grew up in a middle class family, and while I never wanted for anything or spent a meal without food on the table, I have...

Attack of the Mico Machines

Not too long ago it became apparent that I needed a new vehicle. In the few short years that I have been driving I had my fair share of hand-me-down vehicles. I started with a big pick up truck when...

The End is Near for Tiger Woods & Buick

So there has been a lot of talk going lately with the big 3 auto makers and how they are basically out of money. The "smart" answer to our government is that we bail them out. Mr. Obama likes this...

Logo Discovery

So last weekend I had the chance to meet a couple of incredible people. I was serving at Pikk's Tavern and I met a man named Andrew. We talked for a couple of hours, hit it off perfectly, and decided...