Chapter 1: Bottom of the Pyramid

Chapter 1: Bottom of the Pyramid

Johnson knew where she had been. He knew what she had been doing. He knew all of this because he had once been in her shoes. He was a teenager once. He used to stay out late and break all of the...

The Big Miss: Interview with Hank Haney

The Big Miss: Interview with Hank Haney

As many of you know, I am Tiger's biggest fan. I have been watching Tiger Woods on TV for as long as I can remember, and have followed him over the years. I even collect his memorabilia. If there is...

New York City: Life in the Big Apple

New York City: Life in the Big Apple

I had only been living in New York for a few years. I moved here when I was 18 for college, but after a few semesters I realized that higher education wasn't for me. I already had a good job, and I...

Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Coed Pageant

Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Coed Pageant

Chicago is just pumping out one great band after another. I have no idea where these guys came from, but I am glad I found them. They are brand new and have a debut EP out now. They are also...

Little Known Facts About RMS Titanic

Little Known Facts About RMS Titanic

I don’t know what it is, but I am obsessed with the Titanic. I obviously wasn’t on the ship… not do I know anyone that was. But over the last few years, I have become obsessed with her story and...