Little Known Facts About Fast Five

Earlier this week I shared with you my full review of Fast Five, the latest installment of the Fast & Furious series. While the movie was not that good, there were several things that caught my...

A Time to Dance Knows True Love

Recently I was introduced to BookSneeze, an online book platform allowing bloggers access to free books in exchange for a book review. I figured it was worth a shot, so I signed up and ordered my...

Reuben “Rooster” Cogburn is True Grit

Now, the highlight of this film comes in the acting. Jeff Bridges, also the star of the major hit film Tron (also in theaters right now) puts on one of his, if not his best performance. The title of...

Recovery & Restoration of the Titanic

Once an artifact leaves the water and is exposed to the air, it must undergo an immediate stabilization process to prevent further deterioration. When recovered from salt water, artifacts are cleaned...

Star Laden Grown Ups Laughably Disappoints

When will this movie end? I started watching this thinking it would be funny. It was funny, don’t get me wrong, but WAY too long. The film starts off slow, but manages to keep me entertained by...

Frequently Asked Questions about the Titanic

Both the British and American inquiries found that there was no evidence to suggest that third-class passengers were deliberately kept below decks, although it is true that third-class passengers did...