Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Clayton Morgan

Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Clayton Morgan

The team at MTS Management Group has done it again. This time they introduce me to Clayton Morgan, a soul/R&B musician that is promoting his new single “Taste for Love.” Music has played a big roll in Clayton’s life, and his dad Eddie Daniels (The Four Sonics) has inspired Clayton over his career over the years. New to MTS, I wanted to take an opportunity to learn more about his music and what his future holds. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Clayton Morgan.

Your father is Eddie Daniels, a founding member of legendary 60s Detroit pop group The Four Sonics. Tell me more about your childhood and what it was like growing up with a guy like Eddie Daniels.
My father loved singing. Growing up I developed a love for entertainment from an early age. At the time I was born The Four Sonics had parted ways, but that did not stop his desire to continue doing what he loved. He worked a normal 9 to 5 on the assembly line with General Motors. Over the years, he would continue singing with others and trying to form new groups. I realized later in life that my own desire to sing and entertain came from him.

You recently signed with MTS Management Group. How did you connect with them and what are you hoping to accomplish with them in your corner?
I was introduced to MTS Management by a friend that passed their information to me. I reached out and liked what I found out about them. I feel like they genuinely care about the artist they represent. That was important to me. I am hoping to build my fanbase and get my music out there for people to enjoy.

Tell me more about your debut single “Taste for Love.”
“Taste for Love” was a favorite during the writing and recording process. I connected with the track and the lyrics came to me immediately. It’s a love song that speaks of yearning for that special someone. No matter what you’re going through day, night, good or bad, you still want to be with that person.

I am getting a little Seal… Maybe some KEM in your sound. Who are some of your biggest influences? Who are you listening to when not singing/writing?
Those are great comparisons. Thanks for the compliment. KEM is actually from my hometown Detroit. My biggest influences are Michael and Janet Jackson. I also admire Whitney Houston and Prince. I love all kinds of music.

What is your songwriting process like? Does a song come to you or do you sit down to write?
Songwriting happens for me in different ways. There are times when I get an idea and write it down or sing and record it on my cell phone. Right now, I feel the production of the track is key. If a track has all the right elements that move me, I am able to write to the track. The ideas come to me immediately.

I don’t see any tour dates on your website. Are you planning a tour this summer/fall?
I am planning on doing some live performances. I’m currently in the process of putting it together.

What can fans expect from a live performance? Do you ever make mistakes while on stage?
The fans can expect an excellent show. I’m going to give it my all. Everyone makes mistakes. The key is to not draw attention to the mistake if possible and just move forward with the show

With a voice like that, I bet you were in the choir in school. Did you sing in choir?
I did sing in the choir during my high school years. I was also in a theatre program that taught the aspects of acting on stage.

I’ve been to a lot of concerts over the years. What are some of the best concerts you’ve seen?
Janet Jackson, Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Those were two great concerts I attended.

The shop on your website is empty. What sort of products are you planning to add? I can envision some legit Clayton Morgan merchandise!
I know it’s empty right now. I’m still working on putting together the shop. Once it’s ready I will be selling t-shirts and other merchandise.

Are you working on a debut EP or artist album?
I would like to release and EP or album one day. Right now I’m focused on just releasing singles.

What’s next for Clayton Morgan?
More singles to be released and live performances. I would love to do some acting as well. I’m open for whatever comes my way.

Thank you for doing this. In all of the interviews I do I always give the artist the last word. Go.
Thank you for giving me this interview opportunity. Fans can follow me on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.