How to Make Your Next Festival Outing a More Enjoyable Experience

How to Make Your Next Festival Outing a More Enjoyable Experience

Festivals are a must-do for people of all ages. And with some amazing festivals to choose from, including Leeds Festival and Glastonbury, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of headline acts. But while a festival outing can be huge fun, it can also be a disappointment if you’re not prepared. Here’s how to make sure your next festival extravaganza is memorable for all the right reasons.

Plan Ahead and Be Prepared

One of the best ways to ensure you have an enjoyable festival experience is to plan ahead and be prepared. Buying tickets well in advance allows you to secure your place at the festival you want to attend. It also gives you plenty of time to arrange all the necessary items you’ll need. Make a checklist of essentials like a tent, sleeping bag, toiletries, medication, sunscreen, raincoat, etc. Packing everything in advance prevents last-minute panicked purchases. You’ll also avoid getting to the festival and realising you’ve forgotten something important.

Research the festival layout and programme schedule before you go. Know where the different stages, food stalls, water points, toilets and medical tents are located. Download the festival app and familiarise yourself with the line-up timings so you can plan which acts you want to see. This prevents aimlessly wandering around wasting time.

Sort Out Accommodation and Transport

Camping at a festival can be great fun, but not if you’re ill-prepared. Invest in a high-quality tent that can withstand potential downpours like those that often happen at Glastonbury. Also, pack an air mattress or camp bed to give yourself a comfortable night’s sleep. Earplugs and an eye mask can help block out noise and light from nearby partying revellers. If camping isn’t for you, consider booking local hotel accommodation in advance, or look at bell tent hire, such as bell tent hire Glastonbury, where comfortable beds and other facilities are provided.

When booking transport, allow plenty of extra time in your plans for potential traffic delays in getting to and from the festival. Arranging return tickets in advance for trains, coaches or taxis provides peace of mind that you’ve got home sorted. For a big festival like Glastonbury, an early arrival is recommended to beat the lengthy queues that build up later.

Prepare for All Weather Conditions

One constant factor about festivals in the UK is unpredictable weather – so come prepared! Even in summer, pack for all eventualities. Essentials include sunscreen, sun hat and sunglasses for hot sunny spells but also a raincoat, wellies and an umbrella for probable downpours. Warm layers like hoodies, jackets and blankets are handy for nighttime, when temperatures can plummet. Comfortable waterproof walking boots or trainers are safer than flimsy flip-flops in muddy, slippery conditions. Staying warm and dry will make you feel much more comfortable all day.

Pace Yourself and Take Breaks

It’s easy to get carried away at a festival and overload your senses. The exhilaration of live music and party atmosphere can be fun but also intense and draining. Make sure to schedule regular breaks from the crowds and noise – even just 15 minutes to unwind and recharge. Head to a quieter space for some breathing space or a sit down. Refuel with drinks and food to maintain your energy. Build in chill time to simply relax and unwind so you can enjoy the festival at your own pace.

Attending a festival can be an amazing experience as long as you plan properly and come prepared. Advance planning takes care of all the essentials, allowing you to relax and soak up the festival atmosphere. With accommodation, transport, supplies and schedule sorted, you’re free to sing, dance and enjoy your favourite bands – creating memories to last a lifetime.