Every year I sit down to compile a list of the best albums of the year. I usually try to write a list of the top five or ten albums, but usually end up getting over my head and even writing on albums...
Earlier this year I was sitting there having a conversation with Jason Firebaugh. He and I were chatting about ways to increase interest with my blog, and how to increase interest in his music. I had...
All I have been hearing about lately is how great the Black Swan is. Whether hearing people brag about it on Twitter or hearing guys around the office talk about it, everywhere I went the Black Swan...
"We're grateful to the millions of customers who have made the all-new Kindle the bestselling product in the history of Amazon - surpassing Harry Potter 7," said Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com founder and...
Local bands are nothing new to rickyleepotts.com. Thanks to the rickyleepotts.com presents six bands for six bucks I am able to bring half a dozen live local bands to one stage every few months...
Both the British and American inquiries found that there was no evidence to suggest that third-class passengers were deliberately kept below decks, although it is true that third-class passengers did...
Playing live has always been a key feature of Babicz’s authentic musicianship; improvising instead of reeling off pre-determined sets has made his celebrated shows unquestionably unique events. He...
I was out there to visit some family and someone suggested we visit the Elephant Bar for lunch. I had asked my cousin, who lives in Arizona, if it was a good place to go. She didn’t have many things...
When I first tasted the drink, I about spit it out. It was horrible. But then I let the flavors hang out in my mouth for a minute and decided to give it another shot. The second, third, and forth sip...
The older I get, the more I can appreciate a good beer. Just this year I have started making my own beer in hopes of perfecting the art. We made an IPA for our first batch, and it turned out great...