Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Vedera

It is rare for me to listen to a female singer and actually like what I hear. I don't know if it is the fact that I feel most of their voices all sound the same, or the thought of them writing lyrics...

Eight Reasons to Visit Amelia Island

This year the Golf Inc. Conference will take place in Florida. When you think of Florida you start to imagine places like Disney World in Orlando or beaches in Miami. But on the north side of the...

Places to Break Up

Anyone who has ever been in a relationship has faced this at one time or another: Where to do the breakup. If you have never had to go through this then I envy you. Whether you have only been dating...

Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Remember Paris

It is rare that I come across a band that not only has talent but also has the personality of a best friend. The guys that I am hanging out with today are some of the nicest guys I have ever met and...

Adam Van Houten is a True Sportsman

How many of you out there play golf? Do you play by the rules as set forth by the USGA or do you drop a ball on the tee and hack it around the course? For those of you who play by the official rules...

5 Things I Dislike About the iPhone

When I first heard that Apple was going to be releasing a phone, I was a little gun shy. I had never owned a Mac but had worked (and played) on them in school. Being a graphic designer had its perks...

Will You Be My Friend on Facebook?

I recently came across an article that discussed friend requests on Facebook. The author of this article had received a friend request from someone that he knew when he was in elementary school. When...