Artist Interview: 1-on-1 with Keaton Simons

I am sitting here today with one of the most talented voices, guitar players, and performer that I have ever met. Hailing from the far west coast Keaton Simons has made a name for himself atop some...

That Was Finger Licking Good

I was sitting at my desk today when I received an instant message from a fellow employee named Drew. Drew had provided me a link that at first I showed concern. It was a link that began with...

The NBA Does Not Blog

So I have had the tendency to write about the NBA. Why you might ask? Well, it is not because I necessarily like the NBA, or basketball for that matter, but more of the interesting stories that seem...

That is One Cool Mouse

I want to touch base on an object that every single person, except for those who make these crucial pieces of hardware, take for absolute granted. And the only reason I wanted to talk about these...

Introducing a Female Tiger

Tiger Woods is the best golfer on the face of the planet. He is the best golfer that has ever played the game. And I would be safe ins saying, at only 33 years old, that he will be the best player to...

Oink Oink, I Am Sick

Before I even jump up onto my soap box, take a look at that little guy. How stinking cute is he? I mean, look at that little (pig?) nose and those cute little legs. This is why I like Sophie so much...

Are the Times Changing?

So I play golf. (How many of you did not know that?) And while I will not say, “I am good,” I will stand behind my 1 handicap that I have carried two years strong. (I was once scratch at...

Why Does it Always Have to Be About Color?

I heard a story the other day. The story was about an organization that I had never heard of. And that is pretty shocking as how I am obsessed with media and the world that surrounds me both locally...

And He Does All That With His Mouth

I found this video today and I just had to share it with you. This comes not too long after an American Idol drop off that I felt had the talent, and the difference, to win. Blake Lewis is the guy...