Earlier this week, my buddy Vince posted a link on Facebook. It was an article on America’s most hated foods. I like food, so I went through the list and responded listing all of the food that I not only eat, but also tend to enjoy. His page is private, but I was able to take a screenshot of that conversation. Here is the original post on Facebook:
As you can see, I liked a lot of the foods listed. How can you NOT like bleu cheese? Or is it blue cheese? I never understood the difference. There are some really gross foods on the list, like pea soup and beets… But I LOVE maple syrup and could eat olives all day long. I just found the article really interesting and had to share this with you.
Here is the complete list:
Are you hungry yet? After looking at the list, what do you think? Let’s eat!
Source: List Challenges
Seriously, who came up with this list? Who hates EGGS? Or Jell-O, blueberries, or MAPLE SYRUP for that matter? Pretty sure whoever came up with this just picked out foods they don’t like and declared that America hates them. Dumb list. I’m a picky eater, and I actually picked out 13 of those foods that I LIKE.
I know, right? I LOVE several items on this list.
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