4 Pieces of PPE All Construction Workers Need

4 Pieces of PPE All Construction Workers Need

Personal Protective Equipment is seen as a last resort when all of the other on-site safety measures have been put in place. All types of PPE offer some kind of protection.

In this article, we will go over the four main types of PPE that all construction workers need.

What PPE Is Needed On a Building Site?

There are four main types of PPE that are essential on a construction site. Provisions need to be in place for the following:

  • Protection of the head
  • Protection of the feet
  • Protection of the body
  • High-visibility clothing

Despite these being the four mandatory pieces of PPE that are needed on a construction site, it’s always best to provide more protection than what is needed. Your and your colleagues’ safety on the work site should be the top priority.

Some examples of additional safety equipment may include things like safety goggles, if there is likely to be a lot of flying dust or debris, or ear defenders if there is likely to be a lot of noise on the site.

Protecting The Head

Head protection is a requirement on all construction sites where there may be a risk of head injuries. Even if you have safeguarding measures in place to protect things from falling or to protect head bumps, it’s still essential to provide head protection for workers on the site.

The head protection worn should be damage-free, able to fit properly, in good condition, and should be provided by a reputable supplier.

Protecting The Feet

Foot protection should also be worn on site in the form of safety boots. These help to protect the delicate bones in the feet and the tendons during intense work. Steel toe caps on work boots can also help to protect the feet against dropped items. Mid-sole protection can also help against things like punctures or penetrations that may result on stepping on sharp objects like a nail.

If workers are in charge of pouring cement, wellington boots offer the best protection against cement burns as cement can easily get into safety boots and other shoes.

Protecting The Body

Clothing worn in a construction setting should protect the wearer from any on-site hazards. Thick trousers can help to protect the wearer from cuts, splinters, grazes, skin damage, and infections on the legs.

Kneepads are also a great piece of protective equipment if you spend a lot of time on your knees in the workplace.

During the summer, it’s important to stay protected from the sun, and in colder months it’s important to wear clothes that will keep you warm enough.

High Visibility Clothing

Hi Vis vests are important when working on a construction site. These types of clothing help people to be seen by other workers and this can improve their safety and help to prevent accidents from happening.

Keep in mind that, the better everyone else on site can see you, the safer you will be.

Final Thoughts

Don’t dismiss the importance of PPE on a construction site. There are many dangers in this type of work environment so it’s important to stay vigilant. Decrease your risks of accidents and injuries by wearing the appropriate PPE as required.