What to Do If You Were Injured at Work

What to Do If You Were Injured at Work

Though worker’s rights have come a long way from what they were even a few decades ago, life is far from perfect. Even in the most secure and safe workplace, accidents can happen. It is up to both the employer and the employee to do all they can to ensure that when someone gets hurt at work, it is truly an accident and not a form of negligence. If you did inform your employer about something that concerned you about work, and they did not take immediate action to rectify the problem, then that is negligence.

Being injured in an environment you spend so much time in can be traumatic, both physically and mentally. You need to know about the right steps to take so that you can heal and move on as fast as possible. To do that, all you need to do is follow this guide:

Get Emergency Aid
The first step to any serious injury is to call 911 and have emergency services come over. You will likely need to rely on a coworker to do this for you. Who you call, however, matters. In order to be covered by the Worker’s Compensation Board you will need to use their authorized providers. Have these numbers saved into your phone in advance, especially if you work a hard labor job where injuries are likely to occur.

Notify Your Supervisor About the Injury
Once you are well enough, you will want to inform your supervisor of the injury. Do this in writing, and try to aim to send it in within 30 days of the accident.

Complete a Worker’s Compensation Form
This will help cover your costs, so long as your claim is not disputed (for example, if a bystander called an ambulance that wasn’t on your employers authorized providers).

Now that you have dealt with the legalities, it is time to finally rest. Don’t try to push yourself too far, and listen to your doctor’s advice. If you can, see about enrolling in physiotherapy to help you regain full muscle control and flexibility.

Know When to Keep Fighting
Workers compensation rights cover you in case you are injured on the job. If, however, you were fired due to your injury you have a right to sue. Wrongful termination due to a disability is often an open and shut case, and you need to fight for your rights in order to get the compensation you need. Finding work after the fact can be difficult, especially if you worked in the trades and the on-job injury resulted in a lifelong disability.

To build a strong case against your wrongful termination in this case, you will want to hire a firm like Kingsley & Kingsley, which can provide you with a wrongful termination attorney to help you fight for your case.

Being injured at work can be distressing, but knowing how to act once injured so that you can get covered by worker’s compensation can help you get past it. From there all you need to worry about is healing, and remember – if your employer fires you due to your disability, you could have a wrongful termination lawsuit on your hands.