As soon as these guys start playing all I can think about is throwing the devil horns up and letting the music take control. Hard rock music doesn’t even begin to describe what these guys bring to the stage. They have sick guitars matched with intense drums and polished lyrics all coming together to produce a sound that belongs on stage with bands like Breaking Benjamin or Disturbed. They even hint around with some screaming here and there; and it works. Some of their tunes start off slow, almost sounding acoustic, until you get a few measures into the song when the electric guitars take over and the band just kills it. You can tell the lyrics were written from past experience and that they come from nowhere short of the heart. I have no idea where I met these guys, but I am glad that I have had the chance to listen to their tunes and work with them here on the blog. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Coping Method.
Where did you guys come up with the name Coping Method?
(Brandon) My buddy Bobby Ingals came up with the name when we were in a band together. I kept the name when Andrew and I started playing music. I had just lost a child and felt that music was my Coping Method.
Where did you guys meet?
(Brandon) I work with Andrew.
(Billy) I went to school with Reece and used to jam together back in middle school. Reece contacted me at the beginning of 2010 and asked me if I was interested in joining a band so I gave it a shot and here I am today.
(Cody) I played in a band with Brandon years back. We lost touch when I joined the Marines, but when I got back home we got back in touch. He asked me to audition for the band. And the rest is history.
How long have you been performing together?
We have only been together for about three or four months.
Who writes all the lyrics?
We all chip in from time to time but the majority of the lyrics come from Andrew.
Where do you get inspiration for a new track?
Life, anger and just jamming as a band until we find something we like.
Where do you guys practice?
We practice at Andrew’s house.
Do you have jobs outside of the music business?
(Andrew) Brandon and I are supervisors for a logistics company.
(Billy) I am an Assistant Manager at Quizno’s.
(Cody) I work for a trenching company that travels throughout the state.
Where can I get some Coping Method merchandise?
Right now you have to contact us directly. Since we are a new band we are still looking to get merchandise together.
How do you guys know Michael DDE Miller?
(Cody) I went to high school with Michael and he posted some information on MySpace. So, I got in touch with him.
What are your thoughts on the recent obsession with social media?
We think the recent obsession is mainly because people are always craving ways to get more knowledge. And with social media it’s very easy and you can access it when you want unlike traditional media.
Are you guys on Twitter?
No, not yet.
Any tattoos in the band?
Yes, Cody and Brandon have several.
Who has the most?
Explain to me what someone can expect seeing you live for the first time?
They can expect solid melodies mixed with heavy riffs and good energy coming from the band.
I am seeing a trend here with skulls. Any reason behind that?
Cause it’s METAL!
Describe your genre in one word.
Who are some of your biggest influences?
Pantera, Slipknot, Megadeth, Chevelle, Tool, Seether, Hurt, Incubus, and Sevendust to name a few.
Where are you originally from?
(Brandon) I am from Napoleon, Indiana.
(Billy) Connersville, Indiana for me!
(Andrew) Toledo, Ohio over here.
(Cody) Versailles, Indiana.
What is the best concert you have ever been to?
(Brandon) Rage Against the Machine at Rock the Bells in California a few years ago.
(Billy) Summer Sanitarium.
(Andrew) Sevendust at 8 Seconds Saloon.
(Cody) Avenged Sevenfold at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach.
What is the biggest crowd you have ever played for?
(Brandon) A few hundred.
(Billy) About 200 people during a high school homecoming parade.
(Cody) Around 100.
The smallest?
(Brandon) 10.
If you could only perform one song for the rest of your career, which song would you pick?
(Andrew) Pain Is All I See.
(Cody) That’s Impossible to answer.
Let’s say that you are about to headline a show at Verizon Wireless Music Center. Who would you have open for you?
(Brandon) Sevendust.
(Billy) Tool.
(Andrew) Chevelle.
(Cody) 650 North.
Do you play outside of Indianapolis very often?
Actually the Battle of Birdy’s will be our first show. But we will play shows just about anywhere; all we need is people to ask.
What are you drinking on stage?
(Brandon) Miller Lite for me.
(Billy) I just usually drink water on stage.
(Andrew) Beer and water; a great combination!
(Cody) Heinekenis my beer of choice.
When you perform live, do you encourage a mosh pit or do they just happen naturally?
Whatever happens, happens. We definitely will encourage and try to pump the crowd up.
Any word on a full-length disc anytime soon?
Not at this time. We are still just trying to get the music up to the level we want and to play some shows then we will hit the studio. Hopefully at that time a record label will be paying for the studio. (Laughs)
I love your logo. Who designed that?
(Brandon) It’s something I have been messing with since high school. I call it a tribal demon.
What’s with all the nicknames? I need explanations here guys!
Well, Billy “Ballie” Kemker is a mix of a song we have called Balls in your Face so Ballie is a drunken mixing of Balls and Billy. Andrew “Sector 4” Reece is a touchy subject I don’t think he wants everyone to know. Cody’s nickname is because Cody came to one of our early practices wearing a t-shirt with a cat on it. I will let you figure out the rest! And Brandon “b” Murray is because I started the web page so I made fun of everybody except myself.
How cool it is being involved with the Battle of Birdy’s?
It’s amazing to be able to get onstage and play where many great bands have played. And have the chance to compete against some of the best bands in Indiana. It will be nice to get our name out there a little bit. We can’t wait to hit the stage and rock out!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
(Brandon) Playing music.
(Billy) Still playing music along with everything else.
(Andrew) Hopefully not working where I am at now. And playing music with a huge fan base.
(Cody) Rocking.
What do you want to be remembered for when it’s all said and done?
(Brandon) Nothing in particular; just want to be remembered.
(Andrew) I want to be remembered for great live performances and good looks.
(Cody) Slapchop!
(Billy) Awesome live shows.
I always let the artist get the last word. Go.
Come out and see us at the Battle Of Birdy’s. And check us out on MySpace. If you would like to book us hit us up there as well. Thanks to everyone involved with Coping Method, anyone who reads this interview, Joe Lepper (cowbell aficionado), Michael “DDE” Miller and Ricky Potts from Get ready… here we come!